Vice President JIANG Maofa Meets Rector of TU/e


Vice President JIANG Maofa Meets Rector of TU/e

Prof. Hans van Duijn, Rector of Eindhoven of University of Technology (TU/e), the Netherlands visited Northeastern University on Nov. 8, 2012. Prof. Peter Hilbers, Chair of Department of Biomedical Engineering and Karen Ali, Director of International Relations were in the TU/e delegation.

NEU Vice President JIANG Maofa met with the delegation from TU/e in Hanqing Hall. Prof. YU Fuxiao, Director of International Cooperation and Exchange Department, Prof. KANG Yan, Dean of School of Biomedical and Information Engineering and Vice Dean Zhao Yue attended the meeting. Both parties have exchanged opinions on cooperation of undergraduate and graduate joint education programs and science research collaboration. They also discussed key issues on the development of the School of BIME.


Vice President JIANG Maofa Meets Rector of TU/e